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Muhammad Moiz



I have mastered the art of laughing in serious situations!

Durham University

Offers 2 free trial classes

About Me

Hello! I am Moiz Siddique, an experienced online tutor.

How do I teach my sessions

I believe students learn best through dynamic, back-and-forth interaction, and a lively, comfortable atmosphere. My teaching approach focuses on explaining concepts, practicing questions, and addressing misconceptions, particularly in areas where the student struggles. I see the teacher’s role as sparking interest in the subject, ensuring lessons remain engaging and enjoyable. I use a combination of lecture-based and personalized learning. I explain concepts verbally while drawing diagrams when necessary, using technology to make lessons interactive and clear. This method helps cater to both auditory and visual learners. To ensure comprehension, I take mini-tests that assess the student’s grasp of the material. Feedback is balanced, using positive reinforcement without overdoing it. If a student struggles with certain topics, I focus on those areas until they improve.

Subjects offered
SubjectsHighest QualificationGradeLevels Offered
AccountingBachelorsAA Level
Mathematics'A' Levels (GCE)CGCSE
This tutor is interviewed by Find Your Tutor teamOur tutors undergo a rigorous selection process, with only one out of nine making it to the platform. Our expert team conducts interviews to make sure that tutors have what they claim to offer. Our assessment criteria include reviewing A level grades, university transcript and teaching style.